Patients’ Reviews, Blog & Comments

Patients’ Reviews, Blog and Comment Forum

Team at The British Hernia Centre

Patients’ Own Comments

Any patient who has had a hernia repaired at The British Hernia Centre is invited to post comments on his/her experience on this blog. It is intended to be a guide for others who are contemplating having their hernia repaired.

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154 thoughts on “Patients’ Reviews, Blog & Comments

  1. JBM said:

    I had a sudden Inguinal Hernia in mid July. My GP warned me – push it back in but ‘if it gets very painful go to A&E because it could go horribly wrong’. My wife was talking to a friend who told us of The British Hernia Centre. Three days later we drove up to them at the Lindo Wing. Seven days later we drove.100 miles again,up early am. Job done – lots of TLC – advice on what to do and not to do – Lovely lunch. Stretched along the back seat of the car – in bed AT HOME by 5:30pm.

    Now ten days on I feel so good. Walking gently, nap in early afternoon, dressing off at home with “Peeleasy” – perfect scar -no stitches to worry about.

    If you feel a hernia, DO NOT wait for NHS. Get up to The British Hernia Centre. It is the best money I have ever spent. Trust me. I’m 84 !

  2. AL said:

    I had an umbilical hernia which was operated on with such care that I experienced no post-operative pain. Excellent care and supervision.

  3. PW said:

    Excellent team, friendly and competent. Excellent treatment and care given. No pain killers needed and I was able to travel home on public transport the same day. I’m 73 years old. It’s important to listen to advice given as everyone is different.

  4. Ms AB said:

    Having just recommended a friend to come here for hernia surgery, I am reminded about my own large inguinal hernia which, before having a tension free repair here five months ago, I used to think about every day but now never crosses my mind!

    I am so very grateful for the excellent and expert care that I received. My surgeon and anaesthetist, both kind and caring, were highly skilled and the operation seemed to be over very speedily. I returned home the same day after frequent checks by the charming nurses and for the next few days experienced only mild discomfort, easily remedied by the occasional paracetamol.

    The aftercare information provided by the unit was detailed and helpful and when I had a query before flying off on holiday a week later, I received an immediate and reassuring email response from my surgeon.

    The whole team provided a very positive experience and an excellent result. I can now wear whatever dresses and jeans I choose without the unpleasant bulge of a hernia showing. Many thanks to you all.

  5. AS said:

    Had the operation on the Friday, stopped painkillers and started recovery walking the following day, got up to 20km per day, started jogging the following Saturday, now doing 10k running each day.

    Been able to feel the recovery each day. Now fully functioning (except heavy lifting).

    Great job done by all. Thank you.

  6. IM said:

    I had a massive hiatus hernia where my stomach was in my chest displacing my heart and squashing my lungs, I couldn’t breathe and I was exhausted every day. My own GP said he thought it was unlikely that any surgeon at our local hospital would attempt the operation due to the fact that it was a very difficult operation to do and also because of my age (82) and medical history.

    I came for an appointment at The British Hernia Centre to talk over my problems with the surgeon who then told me he would be happy to do my operation.

    Everything was absolutely first class right from the surgeon, the anaesthetist, the doctors and nurses even the very pleasant young man that brought my food. I have nothing but praise for the whole team who took very great care of me throughout the operation and recovery, each and every one that made my operation and recovery possible.

    They literally saved my life and I and my family will be forever grateful x

    • The British Hernia CentreThe British Hernia Centre said:

      There are two major points here:

      1) Maturity of age is far less of a risk here, especially when in the hands of experts specialising in the procedures.

      2) Complexity of a case is also less of a challenge to specialist surgeons with that kind of experience.

      We are, of course, delighted to read such lovely observations by our patients and we wish this, and all our patients a long, pain-free and happy life free of the condition they came to us to remedy.

  7. MW (USA) said:

    I have no doubt that I made the right decision in crossing The Pond to have my bilateral inguinal hernia procedure done by the British Hernia Center. My surgeon was absolutely wonderful, thorough, professional, and extremely helpful; and I felt that he sincerely cared for my well-being!

    The entire BHC staff from start to finish were so welcoming, too! I feel the price for the operation was reasonable and much, much better quality and care than what I would expect to receive here in the US.

    It is now almost 11 weeks since I had my surgery, and I feel fine. I should not NOT have left the hospital without getting an extra serving of the best lentil soup I have ever had in my entire life!

  8. SL said:

    I was delighted with the result of my femoral hernia surgery. I travelled from the north of England, staying two nights in a hotel close by.

    The procedure and after-care treatment were excellent. My surgeon and the anaesthetist are exceptionally skilled and I felt well-informed and completely reassured throughout the day and afterwards. The nursing staff were caring and supportive.

    I am someone who bruises easily so I couldn’t believe that I had virtually no bruising around the incision site. I don’t know how that is even possible! After a week I felt good and back to everyday life and exercise.I now have no swelling at all. Six months later I can hardly see any scar. In fact it is difficult to believe that I have even had an operation.

    Bravo British Hernia Centre! and Thank you

  9. PH said:

    3 days ago I underwent surgery – it was so easy, painless and stress free I could almost have it done all over again!

    The entire team from admin, nurses, anaesthetists (who also chose the theatre music soundtracks!) and of course the surgeon are indeed the very best.

    A consultation and operation arranged for the same day, fabulous lunch and back to my hotel 7 hours later. Post op all going well and walking around with minimal pain relief required.

    Thank you British Hernia Centre – I can now plan my Vietnam cave trek with confidence!

  10. JT said:

    I had seen 3 different consultants in 3 different hospitals and all of them advised me not to proceed with surgery as my hernia was extremely large. However when I had my initial consultation at the British Hernia Centre I was delighted that my specialist there told me that he would put me back to my former self.

    In my opinion they are the best in this field and successfully repaired my hernia.

    My life has been transformed, I am 8 stone lighter and my confidence and outlook in life is totally different since the successful surgery. The difference between before the surgery and after is unbelievable.

    Would highly recommend this team to anyone.

    • The British Hernia CentreThe British Hernia Centre said:

      We are of course delighted at the kind report by this patient but we need to repeat our advice never to allow a hernia to become large (or painful) in the first place – see elsewhere on this website.

      Given that for 34 years now we have been specialising in hernia, we do see a disproportionate number of the more complex and challenging cases which are frequently turned-down elsewhere, so that part of this case is not unusual for us. But what matters is that patients leave us as happy as is described here.

  11. JG said:

    Surgeon and support team are world-class!

    I very much appreciated the way my questions/concerns were addressed before the surgery. Surgery was very smooth and I would recommend the team to anyone whole-heartedly.

    48 hours after surgery, I drove my car for 3 1/2 hours from Zurich to the Valais. says it all …..

  12. PM said:

    I am now one year on and after my last surgery and there have been no problems from the start. I had previously had 3 recurrences and one of them strangulated.

    After my op at The British Hernia Centre I was back to normal and now a year exactly after my op I am pleased to report I am back to normal physically can give young fencers (sport) less than 1/2 my age a good run for their money. Also the process of booking and attending the centre was simple. The surgeon was very attentative and accomodating. I would recommend the The British Hernia Centre.

  13. BJ said:

    Everything has been amazing. I took a chance coming from the US and hoping that it could all work out, and it has turned out better than expected.

    I’m very grateful that this has been fixed after dealing with it for so many years.

    My primary care physician [in the US] said that patients he has seen after this particular surgery here are generally flat on their back for 8 weeks straight trying to recover, so he was surprised to see me in his office after less than 14 days.

  14. PE said:

    Had I known beforehand how easy it would all be, even the slight anxiety in anticipation was needless; so many thanks indeed

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